My Healing Village

Healing From Abuse: It Definitely Takes a Village!

Regina Marie Season 1 Episode 1

We are the ones responsible for defining who looks back at us in the mirror every single day. 
- Regina Marie

Behind a smiling woman is a painful past full of trauma, abuse, domestic violence, and injustice.

This is probably one of the most heartbreaking truths you’ll ever have to swallow. No matter how much we wave the magic wand, we can never erase the nightmarish experience of a trauma survivor. A wife that is yet to survive or is still currently trapped in an abusive marriage has the unfortunate tragedy of discovering there is no Disney-like ending to her story. In fact, every day is full of despair.

But for those who have had the strength and courage to step out of the darkness and decided to walk into their own light - this podcast is for you. It is my lifelong goal to use this platform and my voice to amplify the plight of so many women and men who have been pained and wronged by a narcissistic, abusive partner. 

I hope that you will find not only solace but actual, practical solutions by listening to this podcast. Each week, you’ll be hearing from different people who are willing to selflessly share their own experiences and expertise to bring light to the issue of emotional and domestic abuse. You will also hear from me as I retell my own personal battles, such as what I have done in this maiden episode.

Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to help you heal from abuse.  Whether you find healing and music, poetry, motivational speeches, inspiring quotes in art, physical fitness, and cooking - you name it - it does take the village. But it starts with you showing up for yourself. And listening to this podcast is one way you're doing that.

Be proud of yourself for this very action of self-love that you're giving to yourself right now. And feel free to share it with others who need the support and encouragement.

Healing Points of This Episode:

  • Recognize and exploit abusers' red flags 
  • Divorce is a loss that needs grieving
  • Sharing experiences - no matter how dark and painful - starts the healing
  • Self-awareness and willingness to accept and understand are key
  • Different venues and opportunities to heal are available 
  • Survival techniques are nurtured as we grow older
  • Knowing how we deserve to be treated paves our path to recovery

Words of Healing:

  • Not everyone will understand nor be on the same path as you or agree with your decision to change who you are because who you were is all they've ever known. That wasn't really you though.  Those were your triggers and co-dependencies. - Regina Marie
  • Be okay with being alone for a short time. This is the moment for you to get to know who you are again. To become your own best friend again. - Regina Marie
  • People see things in you before you even see them in yourself. And they'll want to take them, silence them, or shame you for them. Or possibly all three! - Regina Marie 
  • I am refusing to reject myself for anyone else ever again. And I encourage you to do the same. - Regina Marie

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